{"pageProps":{"rows":[{"title":"Crusher - Tier 1","slug":"crusher-tier-1","image":"/Uploads/Crusher/Crusher (Walk Forward).png","type":"EYEnemyType::Crusher","tier":"Tier 1","tierSlug":"crusher-tier-1","mainStats":{"health":3000,"armor":32,"reset-radius":9000,"base-penetration":28,"base-movement-speed":90},"content":"

Difficulty: Very Hard

Description: A very large creature with increased armor and a large amount of health.

Action: The Crusher will throw large boulders, charge at prospectors, and slam the ground around itself. All of its attacks deal large amounts of health.

Tips: The Crusher has two weak spots, the ankle and upper spine. Shooting the ankle will stagger the the Crusher.

"},{"title":"Alpha Crusher - Tier 1","slug":"alpha-crusher-tier-1","image":"/Uploads/Alpha Crusher/Alpha Crusher (Walk Forward).png","type":"EYEnemyType::Crusher","tier":"Tier 1","tierSlug":"alpha-crusher-tier-1","mainStats":{"health":3000,"armor":35,"reset-radius":9000,"base-penetration":39,"base-movement-speed":90},"content":"

Difficulty: Extremely Hard

Description: A very large creature with more armor and health than the Crusher.

Action: The Crusher will throw large boulders, charge at prospectors, and slam the ground around itself. All of its attacks deal large amounts of health.

Tips: The Crusher has two weak spots, the ankle and upper spine. Shooting the ankle will stagger the the Crusher.

"},{"title":"Acid Tick - Tier 1","slug":"acid-tick-tier-1","image":"/Uploads/Ticks/Acid_Tick_DB.png","type":"EYEnemyType::GlowBeetle_Acid","tier":"Tier 1","tierSlug":"acid-tick-tier-1","mainStats":{"health":70,"armor":10,"reset-radius":7500,"base-penetration":0,"base-movement-speed":750},"content":"

“The Vastos ”Tick\\\", named after it's planet of first discover, is usually harmless and measures a dozen centimeters at most. But like everything else on Fortuna III, that changed when The Cycle started. Ticks now can measure over a meter in height and are aggressively territorial; of greater concern, some engorge themselves on pure Letium, turning into walking bombs.\\\"

Difficulty: Easy

Description: Blue face, body and legs with a GREEN posterior.

Actions: Crawls around looking for potential prospectors. Once it finds a target it will make a high pitch noise, chase after the target and then explodes after running up to its intended target, leaving a deadly gas that will poison anyone who is exposed to it.


"},{"title":"Blast Tick - Tier 1","slug":"blast-tick-tier-1","image":"/Uploads/Ticks/Blast_Tick.png","type":"EYEnemyType::GlowBeetle_Blast","tier":"Tier 1","tierSlug":"blast-tick-tier-1","mainStats":{"health":70,"armor":10,"reset-radius":7500,"base-penetration":0,"base-movement-speed":750},"content":"

“The Vastos ”Tick\\\", named after it's planet of first discover, is usually harmless and measures a dozen centimeters at most. But like everything else on Fortuna III, that changed when The Cycle started. Ticks now can measure over a meter in height and are aggressively territorial; of greater concern, some engorge themselves on pure Letium, turning into walking bombs.\\\"

Difficulty: Easy

Description: Blue face, body and legs with an orange posterior.

Actions: Crawls around looking for potential prospectors. Once it finds a target it will make a high pitch noise, chase after the target and then explodes after running up to its intended target.


"},{"title":"Rattler - Tier 1","slug":"rattler-tier-1","image":"/Uploads/Rattler/Rattler (Attack).png","type":"EYEnemyType::Rattler","tier":"Tier 1","tierSlug":"rattler-tier-1","mainStats":{"health":150,"armor":27,"reset-radius":7000,"base-penetration":5,"base-movement-speed":160},"content":"

Difficulty: Easy

Description: A blue creature with long legs and a yellow belly. When it notices a prospector it makes a loud insect like screech, before it starts charging up its acid spitting attack to try killing the prospector

Action: When a Rattler notices prospectors by either seeing or hearing them it screeches at the prospectors, informing other Creatures nearby about the prospectors being around. Then it will start attacking the prospector.

Tip: Strafe left/right and aim for the belly or head for a critical hit.

"},{"title":"Mature Rattler - Tier 2","slug":"mature-rattler-tier-2","image":"/Uploads/Rattler/Rattler - Albino (Attack).png","type":"EYEnemyType::Rattler","tier":"Tier 2","tierSlug":"mature-rattler-tier-2","mainStats":{"health":250,"armor":29,"reset-radius":9000,"base-penetration":10,"base-movement-speed":160},"content":"

Difficulty: Moderate

Description: A greyish-blue creature with long legs and a yellow belly. When it notices a prospector it makes a loud insect like screech, before it starts charging up its acid spitting attack to try killing the prospector

Action: When a Rattler notices prospectors by either seeing or hearing them it screeches at the prospectors, informing other Creatures nearby about the prospectors being around. Then it will start attacking the prospector.

Tip: Strafe left/right and aim for the belly or head for a critical hit.

"},{"title":"Rattler - Tier 3","slug":"rattler-tier-3","image":"/Uploads/Rattler/Rattler - Albino (Attack).png","type":"EYEnemyType::Rattler","tier":"Tier 3","tierSlug":"rattler-tier-3","mainStats":{"health":350,"armor":32,"reset-radius":7000,"base-penetration":17,"base-movement-speed":160},"content":"

Difficulty: Easy

Description: A blue creature with long legs and a yellow belly. When it notices a prospector it makes a loud insect like screech, before it starts charging up its acid spitting attack to try killing the prospector

Action: When a Rattler notices prospectors by either seeing or hearing them it screeches at the prospectors, informing other Creatures nearby about the prospectors being around. Then it will start attacking the prospector.

Tip: Strafe left/right and aim for the belly or head for a critical hit.

"},{"title":"Rattler - Tier 4","slug":"rattler-tier-4","image":"/Uploads/Rattler/Rattler - Albino (Attack).png","type":"EYEnemyType::Rattler","tier":"Tier 4","tierSlug":"rattler-tier-4","mainStats":{"health":500,"armor":34,"reset-radius":9000,"base-penetration":23,"base-movement-speed":160},"content":"

Difficulty: Easy

Description: A blue creature with long legs and a yellow belly. When it notices a prospector it makes a loud insect like screech, before it starts charging up its acid spitting attack to try killing the prospector

Action: When a Rattler notices prospectors by either seeing or hearing them it screeches at the prospectors, informing other Creatures nearby about the prospectors being around. Then it will start attacking the prospector.

Tip: Strafe left/right and aim for the belly or head for a critical hit.

"},{"title":"Strider - Tier 1","slug":"strider-tier-1","image":"/Uploads/Strider/Strider (Roar).png","type":"EYEnemyType::Strider","tier":"Tier 1","tierSlug":"strider-tier-1","mainStats":{"health":40,"armor":17,"reset-radius":7000,"base-penetration":0,"base-movement-speed":202},"content":"

Difficulty: Easy

Description: A red creature with sharp claws, may drop spinal bases and flesh

Action: A small but fast creature capable of chasing down prospectors, biting and slashing them with its claws.

Tip: Get to higher elevation, the strider is unable to climb up ledges.

"},{"title":"Strider - Tier 2","slug":"strider-tier-2","image":"/Uploads/Strider/Strider (Roar).png","type":"EYEnemyType::Strider","tier":"Tier 2","tierSlug":"strider-tier-2","mainStats":{"health":100,"armor":23,"reset-radius":9000,"base-penetration":5,"base-movement-speed":202},"content":"

Difficulty: Easy

Description: A red creature with sharp claws, may drop spinal bases and flesh

Action: A small but fast creature capable of chasing down prospectors, biting and slashing them with its claws.

Tip: Get to higher elevation, the strider is unable to climb up ledges.

"},{"title":"Heavy Strider - Tier 3","slug":"heavy-strider-tier-3","image":"/Uploads/Strider/Strider - White (Roar).png","type":"EYEnemyType::Strider","tier":"Tier 3","tierSlug":"heavy-strider-tier-3","mainStats":{"health":150,"armor":27,"reset-radius":7000,"base-penetration":10,"base-movement-speed":202},"content":"

Difficulty: Moderate

Description: A greyish-blue creature with sharp claws, may drop spinal bases and heavy strider flesh This strider variant has a considerable more amount of health.

Action: A small but fast creature capable of chasing down prospectors, biting and slashing them with its claws.

Tip: Get to higher elevation, the strider is unable to climb up ledges.

"},{"title":"Strider - Tier 4","slug":"strider-tier-4","image":"/Uploads/Strider/Strider - White (Roar).png","type":"EYEnemyType::Strider","tier":"Tier 4","tierSlug":"strider-tier-4","mainStats":{"health":200,"armor":29,"reset-radius":9000,"base-penetration":17,"base-movement-speed":202},"content":"

Difficulty: Easy

Description: A red creature with sharp claws, may drop spinal bases and flesh

Action: A small but fast creature capable of chasing down prospectors, biting and slashing them with its claws.

Tip: Get to higher elevation, the strider is unable to climb up ledges.

"},{"title":"Strider - Tier 5","slug":"strider-tier-5","image":"/Uploads/Strider/Strider - White (Roar).png","type":"EYEnemyType::Strider","tier":"Tier 5","tierSlug":"strider-tier-5","mainStats":{"health":300,"armor":29,"reset-radius":9000,"base-penetration":23,"base-movement-speed":202},"content":"

Difficulty: Easy

Description: A red creature with sharp claws, may drop spinal bases and flesh

Action: A small but fast creature capable of chasing down prospectors, biting and slashing them with its claws.

Tip: Get to higher elevation, the strider is unable to climb up ledges.

"},{"title":"Marauder - Tier 1","slug":"marauder-tier-1","image":"/Uploads/Weremole/Weremole (Crouched).png","type":"EYEnemyType::Weremole","tier":"Tier 1","tierSlug":"marauder-tier-1","mainStats":{"health":400,"armor":32,"reset-radius":9000,"base-penetration":17,"base-movement-speed":300},"content":"

Difficulty: Hard

Description: The Marauder, also called Jeff, is a tall blue creature with a yellow chin as a weak spot. It is fast, has a lot of health and good amount of armor. The Marauder will attack you on sight or upon hearing a sound, such as a gunshot.

Action: Attacks prospectors from a distance with two different spit attacks and a powerful melee attack.

Tip: Shoot at the mount/chin area to stagger the marauder, higher end weapons work better against them.

"},{"title":"Marauder - Tier 1","slug":"marauder-tier-1","image":"/Uploads/Weremole/Weremole (Crouched).png","type":"EYEnemyType::Weremole","tier":"Tier 1","tierSlug":"marauder-tier-1","mainStats":{"health":1500,"armor":15,"reset-radius":9000,"base-penetration":17,"base-movement-speed":300},"content":"

Difficulty: Hard

Description: The Marauder, also called Jeff, is a tall blue creature with a yellow chin as a weak spot. It is fast, has a lot of health and good amount of armor. The Marauder will attack you on sight or upon hearing a sound, such as a gunshot.

Action: Attacks prospectors from a distance with two different spit attacks and a powerful melee attack.

Tip: Shoot at the mount/chin area to stagger the marauder, higher end weapons work better against them.

"},{"title":"Savage Marauder - Tier 2","slug":"savage-marauder-tier-2","image":"/Uploads/Weremole/Weremole - Jungle (Crouched).png","type":"EYEnemyType::Weremole","tier":"Tier 2","tierSlug":"savage-marauder-tier-2","mainStats":{"health":650,"armor":35,"reset-radius":9000,"base-penetration":26,"base-movement-speed":300},"content":"

Difficulty: Hard

Description: The Marauder, also called Jeff, is a tall orange and blue creature with a yellow chin as a weak spot. It is fast, has more health than the regular marauder and has good amount of armor. The Marauder will attack you on sight or upon hearing a sound, such as a gunshot.

Action: Attacks prospectors from a distance with two different spit attacks and a powerful melee attack.

Tip: Shoot at the mount/chin area to stagger the marauder, higher end weapons work better against them.
