“The Vastos ”Tick\", named after it's planet of first discover, is usually harmless and measures a dozen centimeters at most. But like everything else on Fortuna III, that changed when The Cycle started. Ticks now can measure over a meter in height and are aggressively territorial; of greater concern, some engorge themselves on pure Letium, turning into walking bombs.\"
Difficulty: Easy
Description: Blue face, body and legs with an orange posterior.
Actions: Crawls around looking for potential prospectors. Once it finds a target it will make a high pitch noise, chase after the target and then explodes after running up to its intended target.
- Ticks are not very intelligent, but they're doggedly determined; be wary of alerting them.
- Their abdomen is filled with volatile chemicals; target it for a quick kill, but only from a safe distance.
- An enraged Tick will trigger an explosive reaction once close enough to a target, sacrificing itself to protect their territory.