PKR Maelstrom

About PKR Maelstrom

A semi-automatic shotgun, it's heavy and a poor choice at range, but utterly devastating up close.

Korolev's first attempt at a building a phase weapon, the Phase-Kinetic Reactive "Maelstrom's" ammo pack carries more than enough energy to fulminate whatever gets in its way in a matter of seconds, provided it's close enough.

How To Obtain PKR Maelstrom

PKR Maelstrom Can Be Purchased From


PKR Maelstrom Map Spawns

See On MapsGo To Maps

Tier 05

Hidden Stash

Day Time Spawn Chances

Rolls 2 - Chance 5.72%

Storm Spawn Chances

Rolls 2 - Chance 5.72%

ALL Weapons

Loot Point

Day Time Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 5.89%

Storm Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 5.89%

ALL Weapons

Loot Point

Day Time Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 4.22%

Storm Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 4.22%

Tier 05

Military Box

Day Time Spawn Chances

Rolls 2 - Chance 6.40%

Storm Spawn Chances

Rolls 2 - Chance 6.40%


Loot Point

Day Time Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 32.47%

Storm Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 32.47%

Tier 03

Hidden Stash

Day Time Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 4.10%

Storm Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 4.10%

Tier 04

Hidden Stash

Day Time Spawn Chances

Rolls 2 - Chance 4.28%

Storm Spawn Chances

Rolls 2 - Chance 4.28%

Tier 04

Civilian Locker

Day Time Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 4.34%

Storm Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 4.34%

ALL Weapons

Loot Point

Day Time Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 3.85%

Storm Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 3.85%

Tier 01

Hidden Stash

Day Time Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 4.78%

Storm Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 4.78%

Tier 04

Military Box

Day Time Spawn Chances

Rolls 2 - Chance 4.02%

Storm Spawn Chances

Rolls 2 - Chance 4.02%

Tier 03

Civilian Locker

Day Time Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 4.32%

Storm Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 4.32%

Tier 02

Civilian Locker

Day Time Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 4.51%

Storm Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 4.51%

Tier 03

Military Box

Day Time Spawn Chances

Rolls 2 - Chance 3.10%

Storm Spawn Chances

Rolls 2 - Chance 3.10%

Tier 02

Hidden Stash

Day Time Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 3.82%

Storm Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 3.82%

ALL Weapons

Loot Point

Day Time Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 3.28%

Storm Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 3.28%

ALL Weapons

Loot Point

Day Time Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 3.67%

Storm Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 3.67%

Tier 01

Civilian Locker

Day Time Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 5.83%

Storm Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 5.83%

Tier 01

Military Box

Day Time Spawn Chances

Rolls 2 - Chance 3.67%

Storm Spawn Chances

Rolls 2 - Chance 3.67%

Tier 02

Military Box

Day Time Spawn Chances

Rolls 2 - Chance 3.10%

Storm Spawn Chances

Rolls 2 - Chance 3.10%

Tier 05

Civilian Locker

Day Time Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 5.57%

Storm Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 5.57%


Loot Point

Day Time Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 31.87%

Storm Spawn Chances

Rolls 1 - Chance 31.87%

PKR Maelstrom Rewarded By Doing These Missions/Jobs

Mission/Job NameAmount

PKR Maelstrom Damage Calculator

PKR Maelstrom Bullet Spread

Spread AmountsValue
Base Size3.6
Max Size9
Moving Multiplier1.5
Increase (seconds)0.65 per 1 Shot
Decrease (seconds)0.15 per 1 Shot
ADS Spread Min3.2
ADS Spread Max8
Spread Multiplier0.8
Airborne Spread Multiplier2.5
Airborne ADS Spread Multiplier3.5

PKR Maelstrom Recoil Amount

Recoil AmountsValue
X Axis Left Min2.6
X Axis Left Max2.6
X Axis Right Min0
X Axis Right Max0
Y Axis Min6
Y Axis Max6
X Axis Automatic Fire Multiplier10
Y Axis Automatic Fire Multiplier10
ADS Recoil Multiplier1
Crouching Recoil Multiplier0.8
Airborne Recoil Multiplier1.2

PKR Maelstrom Equip And Unequip Time

Equip Times (seconds)Value
Animation Time2

PKR Maelstrom Fire Rate

Fire Times (seconds)Value
First Shot Delay0
Refire Delay0.4

PKR Maelstrom Ammo Count and Reload Times

Time in (seconds)Value
Ammo In Clip1.67
No Ammo In Clip2.2
Animation Time2.53
Starting Amount30
Base Clip Size8
Ammo Used Per Shot1

PKR Maelstrom ADS Stats

Aim Down Sights StatsValue
ADS Time0.442

PKR Maelstrom Movement Adjustments

Movement Speeds 100% Scale * MultiplierValue
Movement Speed100
ADS Movement Speed70
Turn Speed100
ADS Turn Speed100

PKR Maelstrom Main Stats

Base Damage


Base Penetration


Crit Multiplier


Item Weight


K-Marks Value


Value Per Pound


Faction Points Value


XP Per Pound





PKR Maelstrom
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