Loot Farming By Faction Value Per Weight Desc

NameK-Marks ValueValue Per PoundFaction XPXP Per PoundWeight
Nutritional Bar

Nutritional Bar

K-Mark Currency - Soft Currency 507
K-Mark Currency - Soft Currency507
Shard Slicer

Shard Slicer

K-Mark Currency - Soft Currency 1,709
K-Mark Currency - Soft Currency341.8
Resin Gun

Resin Gun

K-Mark Currency - Soft Currency 760
K-Mark Currency - Soft Currency152
Sample Container

Sample Container

K-Mark Currency - Soft Currency 507
K-Mark Currency - Soft Currency50.7
"Magic-GROW" Fertilizer

"Magic-GROW" Fertilizer

K-Mark Currency - Soft Currency 338
K-Mark Currency - Soft Currency48.29
Azure Tree Bark

Azure Tree Bark

K-Mark Currency - Soft Currency 150
K-Mark Currency - Soft Currency21.43
The Cycle Database

The Cycle Database
Official Partnered Companion app for The Cycle: Frontier
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